Dakdekker in Apeldoorn

Dakcentrale Nederland B.V. is werkzaam in Apeldoorn en gevestigd in Zutphen

Roofer in Apeldoorn

Searching for a certified roofer in Apeldoorn? You have come to the right place. You can rely on us for:

  • roof leakage
  • roof repairing
  • roof maintenance
  • roof replacement

Here you will find all the information you need on our roofing services, Dakcentrale Nederland B.V., roofer in Apeldoorn. Call us 0575 - 21 11 08 or get a free quote.

More about us

All our roofers in Apeldoorn are qualified specialists and will fix any problem, may it be in a flat roof or any other type of roof. Our roofing experts only deliver quality work. Moreover we only work with the best materials and newest roofing possibilities. Do you want to know the costs of our work? We have standard prices per m3, but usually we give a custom price, depending on your specific situation.

Roof leakage

Don't waste any time when you come upon a roof leakage in your ceiling. Call our roofer in Apeldoorn immediately. To prevent damage to your house he will fix the leakage as soon as possible. Make sure to make some photos of the damage that is caused by the leakage. You can send them to your insurance, so they might compensate for the costs.

Roof repair

For roof repair you are at the right place. The roofer in Apeldoorn of Dakcentrale Nederland B.V. is ready to fix your glutter, repair a leakage or help you with your roof tiles. Many years of experience in the roofing business makes you know all the ins and outs of a roof. It made us also determined to fix any defects. We don't leave you with a broken roof. If you want to schedule an appointment for roof repair or if you have a question, don't hesitate to contact us.

Roof isolation

Isolating your roof is very economic but also provides comfort and possibly an extra habitable space in your house. Don't worry about insulating the roofs. Our roofer in Apeldoorn is expert in isolating flat and slant roofs. Let us inform you about the different types of roof isolation. Insulating the inside or the outside of your roof both have advantages and disadvantages. We will advise you.

Contact our roofer in Apeldoorn

We don't back down from your roofing issues. We are determined and will make sure to solve them. Offering quality is our priority. We achieve this by using high quality materials and by focussing on effective methods and good service only. Call us on 0575 - 21 11 08 or get a free quote.

Why choose us?

Always a fitting solution for your problem

24/7 service

Reliable and allround roofers

Only the best materials

Dakdekker Apeldoorn

Direct hulp nodig met problemen aan uw dak? Of wilt u meer weten over wat we voor u kunnen betekenen? Neem direct contact op!

Dakcentrale Nederland B.V. staat voor u klaar, ook bij spoed!

Van reguliere dakwerkzaamheden tot spoedopdrachten bij bijvoorbeeld stormschade: wij staan voor u klaar met vakmanschap en jaren ervaring!

Werkzaam in Apeldoorn

Onze dienstverlening bestrijkt een groot gebied, waaronder Apeldoorn. U bent altijd verzekerd van het beste werk tegen de juiste prijs, ook in Apeldoorn en omstreken!

Veel tevreden klanten

We hebben veel tevreden klanten mogen helpen. Ook voor u staan we graag klaar met onze expertise en vakmanschap. Neem gerust contact op met 0575 - 21 11 08.

Vraag een vrijblijvende offerte aan


Na het ontvangen van uw aanvraag nemen we zo spoedig mogelijk contact met u op!

Dakcentrale Nederland B.V.


De Stoven 12, 7206AX Zutphen

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